Daily Archives: February 15, 2013

Why This Will Work For You

A clip from The China Study, T.Colin Campbell

“…So there is a solution to the weight-gain problem.  But how can you apply it in your own life?

First of all, throw away ideas of counting calories.  Generally speaking, you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight–as long as you eat the right type of food.

Secondly, stop expecting sacrifice, deprivation or blandness; there’s no need.  Feeling hungry is a sign that something is wrong, and prolonged hunger causes your body to slow the overall rate of metabolism in defense.  Moreover, there are mechanisms in our bodies that naturally allow the right kind of plant-based foods to nourish us, without our having to think about every morsel of food we put in our mouths.  It is a worry-free way to eat.  Give your body the right food and it will do the right thing….”

To Be Continued

More China Study clips Here